Morning Blessings

Morning Blessings

The child clambers upon my bed,”Wake up, wake up sleepyhead.”I squeeze my eyes tight still wanting to rest.But tiny arms wrap about my legs and in the child’s graspmy weary thoughts are replaced.I take on her smile as she throws her head back to...

On Being a Grumpy Mom

My two younger children lay snuggled next to me in bed–feverish, sniffling, coughing, and talking in their sleep all through the night while the sounds of my teenager’s favorite music drifted upstairs through the vent system. Boom! Boom! Boom! Hack! Hack!...
Morning Blessings

Top Ten Signs You’re the Mother of a Baby

10. You would rather sleep than go out for a relaxing dinner with your husband. 9. Previously a fashion statement, scarves now camouflage everything from leaking breasts to baby spit up. 8. Eating something from the baby’s high chair tray qualifies as your...