10. You automatically answer phone calls with the words,  “I expected to hear from you half an hour ago.”
9.   You can wrap a sprained ankle better than an athletic trainer.
8.  The nurses know your son so well that they ask to sign his cast.
7.  You purchase a security system to prevent “breakout’s”–not “break-in’s”.
6.  Other kids visit your home so often that you’ve considered charging general admission.
5.  You’ve learned to interpret grunts as a positive conversational response.
4.  Before sports season begins, you buy stock in Stick-ups and foot powder.
3.  You now know that spinning cookies in an abandoned parking lot is illegal.
2.  High school secretaries are known to contact parents when a “friend” calls to excuse the young man from class.

and the #1 sign that you’re the mother of a teenage boy….

1.  When you watch him nod off doing homework, you’re torn between tears of joy and sadness because the little boy has disappeared.