10. You would rather sleep than go out for a relaxing dinner with your husband.
9. Previously a fashion statement, scarves now camouflage everything from leaking breasts to baby spit up.
8. Eating something from the baby’s high chair tray qualifies as your lunch.
7. You wear slippers in the kitchen because you don’t have time to sweep the crumbs on the floor.
6. Your water bill doubles. Who knew a baby could create so much laundry?
5. You cry more than the baby does when she has her shots.
4. People you’ve never met will offer their parenting advice. “Oh, she has a flat head. You’re letting her sleep on her back too much.”
3. When friends visit, they have to request an instruction booklet to access the baby-proofed toilet–which, remarkably, only takes your baby a few minutes to figure out.
2. Now you understand how much your parents love you.
1. You’ve just met a miracle–and realize nothing this beautiful could happen without a loving God.