I didn’t meet a single writing goal this week. Am I disappointed? Definitely. Frustrated? Yes. Rested? Refreshingly so.
My dog’s sharp Feed me! yelp and a painful twinge in my neck greeted me Monday morning. Sighing, I slipped from bed into the regular morning routine—spending a few quiet moments in prayer before taming my bedhead and hustling out the door for work. Before long, a headache invited itself to the “she’s-worn-out-and-needs-to-slow-down-party” and became a permanent resident for the better part of the week.
My response? I s-l-o-w-e-d down. A lot.
Hurting and desperate for relief I took a muscle relaxant. I spent the rare hour with a massage therapist. No change.
The only alternative? Sleep. And a lot of it—my pre-teen tucked me in instead of the other way around.
And this morning? I awakened with something rarely experienced in my not-a-morning-person experience—yes, a smile. I felt good bordering on great.
What a glorious sensation!
For years, I’ve joked that I’m a Type B person living like a Type A. My joy comes not from doing, but in being….in experiencing…in dreaming and this week I’ve been reminded of who God created me to be—someone who requires quiet. Time for reflection. Moments to rest.
Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirrst (3)Even the do-ers in the crowd need rest. You know who I’m talking about–the people with an overabundance of energy, drive, and focus–the ones who attack the checklist with a vengeance and cram a week’s worth of tasks into one day. People like my husband or co-worker who seem to thrive on caffeine and just the idea of busy. But, even the industrious let’s-get-‘er-done types need to step down from the frantic pace and—well, breathe.
Whether you’re a Type A imposter or someone who borders on workaholic, remember the all-powerful Creator sanctioned a time for rest—not because He needed refreshment, but because His knew people would.
If you, dear Friend, are caught up in a season of endless busyness, maybe it’s time to put some of your burden down and exchange it for rest. Time spent in the presence of Eternal Refreshment. A few hours invested in family and friends. And, possibly, a night or two of indulging your body with the often-denied-but-much-needed sleep.
Maybe you’ll wake up with a smile, too.