Three Steps to Overcoming Fear

Three Steps to Overcoming Fear

When Fear Crowds Your Thoughts

Six months into the year and I wait in another doctor’s office. The muted tones on the walls fail to calm my anxious heart; instead, I perch near the large picture window on a stiff plastic chair, my fingers drumming the laminate table. I murmur something unintelligible in response to my husband’s question, “What will this test tell us?” 

I shrug, anxiety registering as impatience in my tight movements. The bone-deep discomfort I’d felt in early summer has waned, but poking, prodding, and prescriptive tests seem endless.  

A technician in blue scrubs introduces herself, but I forget her name as I pass beneath a sign that reads ‘Noninvasive Heart Procedures’. An inappropriate giggle threatens to bubble up and I fight the urge to run. 

A few minutes later, I’m on my side. 

“This will be cold,” the woman says as a baton presses into tender flesh 

With a flip of a switch, I hear the “thrum, thrum, thrum” of my heart.  I breathe in and then out, but emotion replaces air. Suddenly, the room feels crowded. Hot. Sounds are indistinct and indistinct, and I recognize panic pulling me toward the corners of my mind.   

Peace in the Space of Panic

It makes itself known through different avenues, but each of us is familiar with fear. Some of us battle with it because of health issues, death and loss, or financial instability. Many of us confront fear as a result of unpredictable circumstances—abandonment, abuse, or a loved one’s substance abuse.  

You, too, might be pressed by fear--pushed into a corner. Trapped. Gasping for air. Dear one, God is with you. #donotfear #overcomer Click To Tweet

You, too, might be pressed by fear–pushed into a corner. Trapped. Gasping for air. Dear one, God is with you.

How do I know? Because He was with me.  

As I lay with my back to the wall, my gaze fixed on the black and white medical monitor, I had a Peter-walking-on-the-water-moment. Instead of fixing my eyes on Christ, I was focused on the possibility of what might be wrong.  

I knew I had a choice. Would I reach for Him or allow the threatening storm of worry to overwhelm my heart? Click To Tweet

Lord, help me.  

Peace ebbed and flowed as prayer filled the space where panic had found its place and God reminded me of these words from scripture, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John… Click To Tweet

Within seconds, my inner squall calmed. Peace ebbed and flowed as prayer filled the space where panic had found its place and God reminded me of these words from scripture, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV) 

Three Simple Ways to Overcome Fear

As a result of this doctor’s visit, I learned three simple ways to overcome fear. They are to: 

  • Close My Eyes to What I See If you’re at all like me, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by circumstances; by what we see happening. God’s people struggled in the same way throughout scripture. 

The Israelites prepared to cross into the promised land until they saw the giants. Elijah remained bold until he saw the message from Jezebel. Peter walked on water until He saw the storm.   

Often, we need to close our eyes to what we see in the natural world in order to hear the input of the Spirit. Click To Tweet

Often, we need to close our eyes to what we see in the natural world in order to hear the input of the Spirit. 


  • Call Out to Christ Although I wasn’t in a life-or-death situation, I worried that I might be. Would surgery be necessary? Would a scar soon bear witness to an overworked heart?  Thoughts swirled in the same way the water once lashed at Peter’s feet, causing doubt to rise. 

Like the disciple, I called out–surrendering my life and concerns into His care through silent, earnest prayer.  

Jesus reassures that he will never leave us nor forsake us. Just as He pulled Peter from the depths at the words, “Lord, save me!”, Christ also responds to our prayers. 


  • Change My Focus When I re-opened my eyes, grainy photos of my heart were still on the screen, but the images no longer consumed my thoughts. Instead, I shifted my attention to my husband. His quiet presence comforted me, and I continued to pray. 

Lord, teach me to number my days. Fill me with gratitude for the gifts of family and medical care. Thank you for knowing the beginning from the end. I know you, God, are my Rock and my hiding place. 

When we direct our eyes heavenward, God reminds us of His presence and steadfast provision. Fear loses its position and Jesus demonstrates His power. 


Invitation to Action

If fear is part of your struggle, I invite you to follow the steps above by: 

  1. Telling God what you see that is causing your fear (i.e. health struggles, pandemic, concerns for children, etc.) 
  2. Releasing your fear to His care through prayer and calling out to Him.
  3. When fear presses in, change your focus to what God has done and will do. Keeping a prayer journal like this one  (affiliate link) and marking off answered prayer can be a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness. 

Peace and grace,


I often link up with the following wonderful bloggers:

Mondays   Mandy and Michele/ Inspire Me Monday/Anita Ojeda

Tuesdays InstaEncouragements/Anchored Abode

Wednesdays  Recharge Wednesday / Tell His Story/Sitting Among Friends Linkup/Let’s Have Coffee

Thursdays Heart Encouragement  /  Tune In Thursday  /Salt and Light

Friday Blogger Voices Network /Five Minute Friday