I may not be strong enough to conquer anxiety, but with God all things are possible.
My voice, high and quiet, barely penetrated the good-humored discussion among my colleagues. Attempting to lead an activity, I was certain I noticed dismissive, bored glances from the other women. Their unspoken words, all a figment of my anxious imagination, left an indelible imprint.

I can’t stand her. She’s such a do-gooder.  What a fake! Nobody smiles that much. Great…this will be a waste of time.

I carried the weight of these illusory statements the entirety of the day; my burden a series of invisible labels wrapped like chains around my spirit. I’d believed some of anxiety’s most common lies.

[bbctt tweet=”Like the tentacles of a cloying sea animal, anxiety wraps its arms around the susceptible soul.#dontgiveanxietypower#speaktruth#mentalhealth”]

Six Common Lies From Anxiety

Many of us have experienced anxiety, but we become vulnerable prey when we allow its deceit to penetrate our hearts. Like the tentacles of a cloying sea animal, anxiety wraps its arms around the susceptible spirit–enfolding each woman in her own veil of unwanted worry. Anxiety strengthens; feeding on the suppression of truth as the mind recycles wrong thinking, misinterprets events, and begins to treat lies as reality; forgetting Christ’s reassurance that he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Perhaps you, too, are familiar with the lies anxiety thrusts deep into the sensitive soul. Do you recognize any of these?

  1. You aren’t worth anything and everybody knows it. Arrows like these may pierce your mind. Did you notice the way other people avert their gaze or avoid you? You deserve their judgment because you’ll never be enough.
  2. Your worst fears may become reality. What right do you have to enjoy and experience this moment when danger and disaster are an ever-present possibility?
  3. You are responsible for happy endings. If your husband, child, or friend is unhappy, you need to fix the problem.
  4. You are never safe. No matter the circumstance or person, you must be vigilant. Life is tenuous and safety is doubtful.
  5. You aren’t lovable. You may not even be likable. Regardless of your efforts, investing in relationships is useless. There is always someone better, prettier, funnier, or smarter who is more important than you.
  6. You should just give up on beating anxiety because it’s stronger than you. Despite prayer, counseling, medication, or any other intervention, anxiety will maintain the upper hand. There is no way to manage its impact; no way to live free.

Truth That Combats the Lies Associated With Anxiety

Earlier today I allowed room for the lies anxiety whispers; inviting them into my mind when I should have slammed the door at their first appearance. I was tossed about in the endless spin cycle of critical self-recrimination.

Now, bits of silver sparkle in the sky and I’m reminded of the vastness of God’s power and might. I recall the accounts of God’s tender love and patient guidance with a people in need of shepherding. Words of acceptance and devotion flood my mind. I recall the Way. I cling to the Truth. I seek Life. In His presence, I rediscover what had been momentarily forgotten.

[bbctt tweet="The precious blood of Christ has made me worthy.#accepted#trueidentity#mentalhealth"]
  1. The precious blood of Christ has made me worthy. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16).
  2. Fear isn’t worth my time because He is my protector and provider. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”(Isaiah 41:10)
  3. His plans and purposes are unshakeable. I’m on the winning team.  “Remember the former things, those of long ago;  I am God, and there is no other;
    I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.” (Isaiah 46:9-10)
  4. I am safe for eternity because I am His child. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39)
  5. Even when I am at my least lovable, I am still loved.  But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. (Ephesians 2:4-5)
  6. Anxiety may seem insurmountable, but I know the God who split the Red Sea and brought down the walls of Jericho. I may not be strong enough to conquer anxiety, but “with God all things are possible”. Even if anxiety continues to reside nearby until my homecoming, I will choose to trust Him. “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5)


Books That Help Fight Lies and Battle Anxiety

(Click the book to visit Amazon.com)

Take Every Thought Captive is an encouraging, practical book for the woman who wants to overcome unruly or unwelcome thoughts. Sharing from her own life, Kelly deals with such topics as loneliness, rejection, and the perception of lack.

(Click the book to visit Amazon.com)

Make Up Your Mind offers practical tips and Biblical insights about some of the most common emotional mindsets with which people struggle including anxiety, helplessness, loneliness, anger, and scarcity.

In a world reeling from lockdowns, riots, and more, Denise Pass and Michelle Nietert could not have written this book at a better time. Each chapter includes “keys” that explore the root of the issue, triggers, putting on the mindset of Christ, and action steps in the Counselor’s Corner.

This book is one I’ll keep on my shelf for easy access and recommend to others.
Favorite quote: People don't need polite sayings when their world is falling apart. They need Jesus. #makeupyourmind @denisepass @michellnietert Click To Tweet

Favorite quote: People don’t need polite sayings when their world is falling apart. They need Jesus.

(Click the book to visit Amazon.com)

Today is Going to Be a Good Day is a beautiful, hard-backed devotional. Chock-full of the promises of God but small enough to tuck in a gym bag or purse, it will help you remember your hope is not rooted in circumstances, but in Christ and that God’s mercies flow new and fresh each day.

Each daily reading ends with a short prayer and a suggested song to add to your playlist.

I recommend this book for those struggling with difficult circumstances, women balancing full schedules, as well as small groups or organizations that meet for devotional time. It’s perfect for a cancer care basket, birthday gift, or holiday exchange.

(Click the book to visit Amazon.com)

Dr. Michelle Bengston has penned another encouraging book for those of us who struggle with such issues as anxiety, fear, and worry. While she has a wealth of knowledge as a professional neuropsychologist, it’s her relatability as a woman who has had her own struggles with anxiety that makes Dr. Bengton’s book, Breaking Anxiety’s Grip-How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises, so powerful.

Rich with personal stories of hope, Dr. Bengston shares practical, scriptural steps the reader can step into as she moves into freedom from worry and into Christ’s peace.

Each chapter concludes with a section called “Your Rx” which entails Bible study and application, a prayer, and a recommended playlist of five to seven praise and worship songs.

(Click the book to visit Amazon.com)

Anxiety Elephants explores common struggles and thought patterns someone with anxiety often experiences. Short, daily devotions encourage the reader to tackle each of these issues one at a time through simple action steps included at the end of each day’s reading. Prayer and journaling space are also included.

Favorite quote: …redemption has happened for you by the work of your Heavenly Father, so this is not the case. His atonement is helping you overcome something as detrimental as anxiety. The Anxiety Elephants do not get to win.


If anxiety is your soul’s silent enemy, would you turn to the truth of scripture? Feast on the abundance of your Father’s words and begin to drive anxiety from your heart and mind. It’s the best place to begin.

Peace and grace,

I often link up with the following: Porch Stories, Tea and Word Tuesday, Literary Musing Mondays, Worth Beyond Rubies Wednesday, Let’s Have CoffeePurposeful Faith, Encouraging Word Wednesday, Sitting Among Friends, Imparting GraceDestination Inspiration, Tune in Thursday, Dare to HearHeart Encouragement, Faith and Friends, Blogger Voices Network, Faith on Fire, Dance with Jesus

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