Extra Grace Required

“EGR,” she quipped with a smile and an exaggerated sigh.  My quizzical look prompted a response. “You know…extra grace required.” Unexpectedly, our prayer for others had shifted from intercession to a Christianized version of gossip...

One in Six

He meant well.  They shouldn’t spend much time together.  She has a disorder–bipolar.  I winced when I heard the words because he didn’t know about us.  We understand the stigma…the struggle…the pain swelling on the inside–but still...
God’s Impossible Standard?

God’s Impossible Standard?

This week, I’ve been creating a new kindergarten report card that includes all of the new state standards.  What a chore!  There are broad standards, specific standards, reasonable standards, and unattainable standards.  How can I possibly put together a record...
God’s Impossible Standard?

Ordinary Me, Extraordinary God

At times, I’m struck by my status of being just-an-ordinary-someone.  I like it that way.   I’m even comforted by my everyday-run-of-the-mill-wife-and-mother-role.  Why?  Because there is nothing about me that could have won God over or swayed Him to...