This week, I’ve been creating a new kindergarten report card that includes all of the new state standards.  What a chore!  There are broad standards, specific standards, reasonable standards, and unattainable standards.  How can I possibly put together a record that will convey each child’s unique qualities, abilities, and weaknesses?  Will it be fair?    Accurate? 
Hunched over the computer keyboard, I’ve been struck by the thought.  What if God used heavenly standards to determine MY position with Him?  Without Christ, it would look something like this.

Work Habits

Works for God’s glory rather than glory of self.     Needs Improvement

Communication Skills

Responds to the promptings of the Holy Spirit willingly and in faith.  Sometimes

Expresses self through prayer rather than complaint or worry.  Needs improvement

Spiritual Habits

Consistently demonstrates love to others.  Inconsistent


Tammy tries hard, but often forgets she has can’t earn her way to heaven. 


Thank God for His abundant love.  Dear friend, you and I can rest in the assurance of Jesus’ death and resurrection.  We don’t need to meet an impossible standard or live up to unattainable expectations.  We have the freedom to mentally tear up our imaginary progress report and throw it in the circular file. 

Why?  Because Christ IS the standard. Through Him, we can approach Heaven’s throne with confidence–void of condemning red pencil marks or fear of not having passed the final exam.  Jesus’ never fails.

Verse for reflection

For who do you know that really knows you, knows your heart? And even if they did, is there anything they would discover in you that you could take credit for? Isn’t everything you have and everything you are sheer gifts from God? So what’s the point of all this comparing and competing? You already have all you need. You already have more access to God than you can handle.  (1 Corinthians 4:7-8)

Prayer of praise

Father God, thank you for your boundless mercy.  In your overwhelming love and kindness, you offered up your son as a sacrifice to present  me as an unblemished example of your glory.  Because of His sinless life, I can call you Father and stand unafraid in your presence–certain of my standing as your forgiven child.  Help me, Lord, to live this day for your glory with a heaven-focused heart.  Amen