Last night, my husband and I watched a documentary about a well-known comedian and several of his acquaintances–nearly all of whom could boast of excessive wealth, fame, and fortune. Sadly, only one performer enjoyed his life.  The others allowed the demands of the industry to dictate their personal level of satisfaction.  When will they start thinking I’m really NOT funny?  I can’t compete with that!  Why am I even here?
Then, I realized I do the same thing.  God fills my life with riches and blessings every day–from the sunrise to family and friends– yet I question my circumstances, fret over my children, and wonder–what am I really doing with this life? 
That’s when I need to re-evaluate.  Is my life about the daily grind?  The schedule that dictates what should be done?  Why am I here?  God doesn’t keep it a secret–I am here to make a difference.  That is my agenda.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.  (Matthew 22:35-41)