Sowing Spiritual Seeds and the Four Soils

Sowing Spiritual Seeds and the Four Soils

  I shuffled from the bed to the bathroom sink—my mind already consumed by the demands of a lengthy to-do list. Instead of offering a kind word of encouragement to my husband as he left for work, I grumbled about the early hour and planted a seed of irritation in...
What Does It Mean to Sow Seeds of Faith?

What Does It Mean to Sow Seeds of Faith?

  The happy trill of a meadowlark greets me as I stroll along the path. My gaze lingers on a passing seedling that dances in the air like a graceful ballerina-bowing and bending in translucent chiffon. I wonder where the wind might carry that small seed? Will it...
What is Spiritual Seed?

What is Spiritual Seed?

Piles of white blanketed the unfurling green of the season–summer and winter clashing in a late Rocky Mountain dance. Protecting my one fledgling tomato plant, I ushered it indoors and set it on the counter. With temperatures near freezing, I watched over a...
What Does the Bible Say About Spiritual Seeds?

What Does the Bible Say About Spiritual Seeds?

Rows upon rows of furrowed soil stretched between the creek bed and an old corral. Each mound reached eagerly toward heaven, thin strands of green poking above the surface in one area like thinning hair on a man’s scalp. Another section boasted folds of miniature,...