Four Laws of a Spiritual Harvest

Four Laws of a Spiritual Harvest

I watched with wonder as combines trolled up and down the golden strips of wheat. My grandfather, a farmer, tended his plants throughout the season and now they stood ready for harvest—each tender kernel a testimony to his care. Whether or not we earn a farmer’s wage,...
When Reaping a Harvest Looks Unpromising

When Reaping a Harvest Looks Unpromising

The brown began with just a few leaves at the bottom of the plants. Each day death advanced up the plant, changing verdant life into lifeless dried leaves. A fungus relentlessly attacked our tomato field and plants were dying at a rapid pace. How do you lean into God...
On Being Readied for the Harvest

On Being Readied for the Harvest

The soil, still wearing winter’s crust, almost taunts the farmer–daring him to unleash the toothed blade. Greeting the day before the moon is veiled beyond earth’s ridge, the man drops the tool behind his machine and tills narrow ditches in a quilt-like...
What Does the Bible Say about Honor? 

What Does the Bible Say about Honor? 

  Winter’s chill gave way to unprecedented warmth and the brilliant blue of a Colorado sky pressed against snowcapped mountains. The day finally arrived. My son and his beautiful bride-to-be joined hands and hearts–proclaiming their love before God, friends, and...
Seven Ways To Recognize God When Seeds Scatter

Seven Ways To Recognize God When Seeds Scatter

Laughing out loud when my husband shared the story, I soon recovered my composure enough to wonder what my neighbor was thinking now. Maintaining a large backyard garden, he plants dozens of seeds each year. Having a small variety of melon and pumpkin seeds left, on...