save the date.pngAs a little girl, I was enthralled by tight rope walkers. The thrum, thrum, thrum in my ears nearly matched the staccato of the drum roll as the circus performer scampered with seeming ease from one end of the wire other to the other.
There, a woman climbed upon the man’s shoulders and then stood–her sequined costume winking beneath the spotlights. Fixing his gaze on what lay ahead, the man’s slippered feet danced deftly across the cable until both he and his passenger were safely delivered to the opposing platform.
Like the tightrope walker, there have been times when I’ve felt as if my life has balanced precariously on a thread. When obligations, expectations and unwelcome revelations continued to pile themselves one atop the other until I began listing from side to side, my attention wandering from the Point of it all to the distraction of that day or month or year.
[bbctt tweet=”In a world crowded by to-do lists and text messages, Facebook feeds and Pinterest perfection, parenting guilt and I’ve-got-this-grit, many of us stumble across the tight rope wondering when we’ll lose our footing.”]
In a world crowded by to-do lists and text messages, Facebook feeds and Pinterest perfection, parenting guilt and I’ve-got-this-grit, many of us stumble across the tight rope wondering when we’ll lose our footing. Slip off the side. Drop that something or someone who relies on us to keep moving forward.
And our lives become unsettled. Unsteady. Unbalanced.
With all of the demands of the family, church and world how can we possibly maintain healthy balance?
[bbctt tweet=”Like the man on the wire, we must keep our eyes fixed on the One who guides us from point to point”].
Like the man on the wire, we must keep our eyes fixed on the One who guides us from point to point. The Shepherd who leads us through the dark valley to the mountaintop. The Light who illuminates the way when we’ve lost the ability to go on in our own strength and realize the depth of our need for Him.
It isn’t easy. Our world is one of unending needs and unmet demands, but unless and until our lives spill over with Christ will we be able to offer our lives as a willing sacrifice for His glory.
Then, we will begin to realize that some burdens are His alone, others are gifts meant to be shouldered with Christ, and many aren’t intended for us at all.
Finding balance in an unbalanced world is all about fixing our eyes on Jesus. (Hebrews 12:1-3)

Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls! (MSG)

My prayer for today? May we each put Him first as we step forward in faith. Amen
P.S. I’ve created a sweet little bookmark to remind us of the most important part of living a balanced life–seeking Him. You can download it here. Monochrome Leaves Coloring Bookmark
Monochrome Leaves Coloring BookmarkMonochrome Leaves Coloring Bookmark