He will direct your steps and lead you to a new land of promise..png
Three years of loss, heartache, and impossible circumstances dropped me in the middle of a wasteland experience. The questions we ask when we’re distraught, grieving and disillusioned scrawled across tear-stained journal pages and erupted from the depths of my soul when I prayed.
 If God is sovereign, how can this have happened? Didn’t he hear my prayers? Why didn’t He do something?
More frightening to me than any of my doubts about God’s power and faithfulness was the on-going, internal battle that waged in my mind.

[bbctt tweet="I felt as though my faith had faded into the nothingness of the wasteland in which I wandered and, oh, how I longed for an oasis.Just one drink to quench my need for Living Water.#wildernessliving#hope#letsgetrealseries"]

I felt as though my faith had faded into the nothingness of the wasteland in which I wandered and, oh, how I longed for an oasis. Just one drink to quench my need for Living Water. One drop of hope to lead me through the dry and dusty no-man’s land into the arms of heaven.
Unusually cynical, I only attended church at my husband’s coaxing. My prayers ranged from desperate pleas for deliverance to angry, honest diatribes and scripture seemed as barren as my spirit.
Can you relate? Have you ever been lost in your own wilderness, certain of nothing but your own unbelief?  Have you trekked aimlessly through the badlands of Fear or Doubt? Wandered in the wilds of Trial or Tribulation?
You might be in that place now, blaming your lack of faith for failing to feel God’s presence. Almost certain the Hope Giver has turned away from your prayers or grown weary of your petitions.

[bbctt tweet="If He can guide and provide for a nation of people wandering for forty years, He will direct your steps and lead you to a new land of promise.#keepthefaith#choosehope#letsgetrealseries"]

But, your wilderness days will end just as mine did. Cling to that hope, Friend. If He can guide and provide for a nation of people wandering aimlessly for forty years in the Negev desert, He will direct your steps and lead you to a new land of promise where you’ll hear his voice. Feel His presence. Remember His great love for you.
One day soon, you’ll look back on the days when you’d thought faith had died and realize He’d nurtured it instead. You’ll rejoice, claiming Hosea 13:5 as your own. “He cared for me in the wilderness, in the land of drought.”
Mint Save the Date Wedding Postcard
Promised Land Prayer Card Printable
Blessings, Tammy