Autumn is already nearing its end in Colorado. Bright splashes of color have faded to shades of brown and grey against the blue sky and a layer of snow washes away nature’s carpet of merlot and mustard. The chill penetrates our home and I’m drawn to my favorite chair where a book awaits.

Perhaps you’ll enjoy these, too. (Just click the image to find out more.)

A great read by Morgan Tyree, Take Back Your Time-Identify Your Priorities, Decrease Stress, and Increase Productivity grabbed me in the introduction. “Time is always with you, walking alongside you on your journey and very much a part of your every experience. Whether in the mundane moments, the cherished memories, the obligatory daily duties, or the unwelcome trials–your time is a responsibility, a privilege, and a gift.”
Tyree takes a practical look at how we use our time and helps the reader break it into manageable “time zones” that work for her life. She identifies these as the green, yellow, and red time zones.
Like most of us, I’m still learning that “for everything there is a season”–including rest. While I appreciate the grids, time-logs, and tips Tyree shares throughout the book, I particularly appreciate her perception of time.
It truly is a responsibility, a privilege, and a gift.

Sarah Geringer’s book, Transforming Your Thought Life-Christian Meditation in Focus, is at the top of my Christmas gift list. Now on my second read, I’ve soaked in the words of this book as I’m learning to focus more on the power of scriptural thinking.
Geringer writes from a Biblical viewpoint, encouraging the reader to turn to scripture when struggling with faulty thinking in a variety of areas including unforgiveness, jealousy, fear, guilt, defeat, or negativity.
She provides step-by-step guidance for those new to Christian meditation, personalized prayers at the end of each chapter, as well as a wealth of scriptures to use for study and reflection.
Having released at the beginning of October, this book is one you won’t want to miss.

Dr. Michelle Bengston has penned another encouraging book for those of us who struggle with such issues as anxiety, fear, and worry. While she has a wealth of knowledge as a professional neuropsychologist, it’s her relatability as a woman who has had her own struggles with anxiety that makes Dr. Bengton’s book, Breaking Anxiety’s Grip-How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises, so powerful.

Rich with personal stories of hope, Dr. Bengston shares practical, scriptural steps the reader can step into as she moves into freedom from worry and into Christ’s peace.

Each chapter concludes with a section called “Your Rx” which entails Bible study and application, a prayer, and a recommended playlist of five to seven praise and worship songs.

Every pastor, counselor, or person who knows the struggle of anxiety would benefit from this book. Even more than that, if you are someone walking through a difficult season this is a book you’ll want to read. It will bless your heart in unexpected ways.

Lyneta Smith’s book, Curtain Call, is the painful retelling of being unseen and abused as a young child. A gripping story, Lyneta Smith threads the hope of redemption throughout her story. Grappling with the difficulty of PTSD, marriage, parenting, and forgiveness in the midst of her pain, the author shares how God created triumph from tragedy.
This book goes beyond ministering to those who’ve suffered abuse, however. It will strike a chord with those who strive for approval, fear rejection, or work to avoid poverty. This book is meant for those who know suffering and need a reminder that Jesus will always rescue them.

I haven’t chosen books for November. What do you recommend?

Peace and grace,
I often link-up with the following wonderful bloggers:
Mondays   InstaEncouragementsAnita Ojeda, Mandy and Michele, Kingdom Bloggers,
Tuesdays RaRa Linkup /GraceFull Tuesday / Tell His Story/Anchored Abode,
Wednesdays   Worth Beyond RubiesRecharge Wednesday Welcome Wednesday /LetsHave Coffee/Porch Stories
Thursdays Heart Encouragement  /  Tune In Thursday  /Salt and Light /  Five Minute Friday
Friday Counting My Blessings, Faith on Fire, Blogger Voices Network, Grace and Truth Linkup,best-of-the-weekend Fresh Market Fridays