What Did Jesus Mean When He Said, ‘I Have Overcome the World’?
Desperate to provide for their families, each young woman responded to the offer of hope. The promise of a position that would provide steady income. Safety. Security. But the skillfully planned web of deception soon swept seventeen unsuspecting women into a life of...Three Steps to Overcoming Fear
When Fear Crowds Your Thoughts Six months into the year and I wait in another doctor’s office. The muted tones on the walls fail to calm my anxious heart; instead, I perch near the large picture window on a stiff plastic chair, my fingers drumming the laminate table....Three Prayers for the Suffering
A woman grips a cardboard sign with the words “Need rent money or food. God bless.” scrawled across its surface. Her eyes follow one vehicle and then another as the drivers rush past, too busy or embarrassed to acknowledge the lady with the woebegone face. Young men...Joy in Suffering (A Guest Post by Melissa Heiland)
As God’s beloved children, we know that our time on earth is short. We have a promise that joy is coming. Focusing on the future, which is full of joy, helps us to find joy on the journey as well.