The heckler hurled insults at anyone within range–the coach, ref, and players.  Consumed by the moment, he lost sight of a parent’s role as supporter.  He arrogantly assumed a position of superiority–negating the expertise and value of others.
At times, I’ve been the heckler in the crowd.  “What kind of call was that?”  “Wait a minute…does that guy know what He’s doing?”  “I could do the job better myself!”  In a myopic approach to the playing field, I begin focusing on the player I know best–me–and disregard the influence of the One who has the end in mind.  In my foolishness, I usurp His position.
And what happens?  The opponent gains the advantage.  But when I return to the sidelines–exhausted from my futility –the One I’ve treated with such disregard provides insight and direction.  “I know the plans I have for you,  Tammy.  Trust me.”  (Jeremiah 29:11)
Suddenly, the playing field seems different.  Obstacles are less daunting, the score loses its importance, and my stamina returns.  Have you, too, resorted to being a heckler?  Do you throw rash statements God’s direction because you don’t understand the game plan for your life?  Are the opponents of negative relationships, poor health, or finances stealing your allegiance to the sovereign God?
I encourage you, dear friend, to humbly step down from a position of false authority.  Things will come into focus.  As Phillipians 3: 14 reminds us, ”
Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.
Can you see the goal?  It’s right there…just ahead.