Six years ago, he stood watch over army operations from behind a wall of sandbags and barbed wire. Launching the drone from the remote desert site, the man noticed something unusual on the monitor. Leaning in close, his pulse quickened as he realized the gravity of the situation. Lives were at stake!
Without hesitating, he made the call.
Don’t fire! Do. Not. Fire. Civilians at risk! For what seemed like an eternal moment, there was no response.
Then, finally, with hesitation another voice answered. Sir? Are you sure?
I’m certain. Do not pull the trigger.
If you say so, Commander.
 That day dozens of lives were rescued—because one soldier responded to the words of someone with a broader vision…more knowledge…a better understanding of the circumstances.
Like the officer following orders have you ever doubted the wisdom behind someone’s request? Do you sometimes whisper internally—this doesn’t make any sense? What is he thinking!?
 I have to admit I sometimes find myself voicing these same words as I pray. I don’t understand, Lord. Why are you asking me to do this…trust in this way…follow you here? And my heart and mind struggle to see the larger picture.
When my little boy was born physically handicapped? The moment my daughter stopped breathing? That time God wanted me to love people who were intentionally hurtful?
Why would Christ ask me to follow Him…trust him…expect more in these situations? Because in both the calm and in the midst of the storm, the Grace Giver will do “abundantly more than you ask or imagine”. (Ephesians 3:20 NIV)
I may not understand life’s landscape. But Jesus? He doesn’t just know the beginning from the end—He is the Beginning and the End.
My fear or worry may threaten to overwhelm a barely-there faith. But the Comforter and Advocate who lives within–a gift from heaven–counsels with the truths I so easily forget.
Can you relate, Friend? Do you hear yourself repeating the same questions I’ve asked? Do you, too, sometimes wonder about the way in which God is directing you to respond to difficult–even painful circumstances?   Are you struggling to understand how He can work through the hard of your situation?
I want to challenge you. Take a chance! Christ makes himself known in the smallest expression of faith and the expectancy of belief. Let’s live what we believe!  Just four words can change your life and mine…if you say so.
Scripture for Reflection
Luke 5:1-11
Ephesians 3:14-21
Phil. 4:19-20
John 14:16-17