He does not cast away, nor crush, nor condemn the wounded in conscience, those
who are terrified in view of their sins; the weak in faith and practice, but
watches over and cherishes them, makes them whole, and affectionately embraces them.   –Luther

Each tear that pours from her eyes fills a place in my heart that once brimmed with pain like hers.  Why?  She asks as if I can answer.  How could a loving God allow it?  But I don’t know.  There is no way to explain away the heartache.  The pain.  The desolate feeling of isolation.  I don’t know, but I understand.

Am I unlovable?  Not worth a moment’s tenderness?  Each syllable bursts from her mouth in pronounced confusion.  I hear her cries for help.  The need for mercy.  Etchings of the past press themselves on her features.  And I feel my insides twist as she shouts out fear…loss…hopelessness.  From deep within I hear His voice.  You are loved–more than you could ever know.  I am your true Father.  Your Heavenly Husband.  The Balm of Gilead. 

I know the words are meant for me, too.  Our human stories are alike–joys, sorrows, fears.  Celebrations, grief, betrayal.  Love, hate, reconciliation.  Maybe He came to live with us–and live this way–because we can relate to the All-God-All-Man who lived an everyday life .

Loved.  Hated.  Reviled. Laughing.  Crying.  Caring.

His human story is like ours.  He understands. He knows our heartache.

Now, the Healer’s hands are held out–nail marks in plain view–waiting to touch our feeble, broken places.  Those crushed, down-trodden areas we thought meant sure death.  The breath of Life kneels down and exhales–filling the thirsty places with hope.  His mercy was revealed that day on the cross when the gaping, weeping wound in His side foretold of the festering, needy places in our own souls.  Of our need for Him.

If you are wounded–like her, like me–why not turn to the One who was wounded for us?  He understands.  He loved us that much.  We are worth more than a moment’s tenderness.  We were worth the cost of His perfect and holy life.

Verse for Reflection

A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.
In faithfulness he will bring forth justice.  (
Isaiah 42:3  NIV)