When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.
It waits in the shadow of thoughts; sitting real and large on my chest like a rock pressing sharp edges into earth’s soft soil. Settling into tender places until the pressure builds and the corners of my heart fracture enough to allow tears to seep through and thin shocks of electricity shoot down my arms into the tips of each finger–seeking release.
I’ve been managing anxiety well for years, but its risen from dormancy the last several weeks. I’m not terribly surprised. For a short time, my husband was hospitalized. A colleague threatened suicide. A dear one is battling against the stronghold of depression. And the only evidence now of a long-time canine companion is a small pink collar and unused dog dish.
Unwelcome, apprehension greets me in the morning and whispers in my ear as I lay my head on the pillow at night.
You should have done something for her today. Why didn’t you call him? What if he doesn’t know how important he is to you? To God? 
I gather the thoughts and then release them in prayers.

This sort of battle resides in the mind, but is as real as any visible enemy. For some, its roots may have sprung from a biological bent toward mental illness. A lack of feel-good chemical production. Others may have suffered trauma or loss. Perhaps a loss so overwhelming that is seems to grow uncontrolled and ever-larger–like a nightmarish beanstalk in a child’s fairy tale.
Friend, when we feel impossibly small as we hack away at anxiety–burdened by the hard of circumstance or overwhelmed by worry, remember that Christ conquered every power. Every principality. Every plot to separate us from Him. In His name we can stand against the lies of the enemy, denying satan the right to shift worship from Christ to concern.
Pray against worry. Pronounce Christ’s truth over yourself. And, cling to His promises.
Action Steps to Help When You are Anxious

  • P-When assaulted by an anxious thought, immediately pray against it. Renounce it as powerless in the name of Christ. (John 14:13)
  • RRemind yourself of God’s promises. Memorize scriptures you can pray back to Him when you’re struggling. (James 4:8)
  • AAsk others to pray with and for you.  (James 5:16)
  • I-Develop intentional habits to help ward off anxiety.  These might include daily Bible reading and meditation, regular exercise, and eating well. (Ephesians 6:10-18)
  • S-If anxiety becomes part of your day-to-day struggle, seek help from a counselor or doctor. (Proverbs 12:15)
  • E-Press into God, enduring with patience and hope for He will bless you. (James 1:12)
