When my husband and I were dating, we hiked a rugged seven mile mountain trail to Phantom Lake–a remote body of water located at the peak of a glacial mountain.  Neither fond of prolonged hikes nor keen on tall ledges lacking stair rails, I relinquished any misgivings and trusted Dave to guide me to safety.
Mid-way across an intimidating scree field, my left leg tightened painfully.  Kneading the throbbing knot, I leaned against the slippery shale rock.  What was I doing?  Anything taller than a stepladder caused near panic attacks.  Now, I peered warily down the sloping earth and wondered how I could possibly catch up with my mountaineering boyfriend.
Suddenly, Dave appeared at my side.  His strength and reassurance imbued me with the will to continue–regardless of discomfort, fear, or doubt.  And when I finally cleared the mountaintop I beheld nature’s unmatched glory shimmering and winking in the glow of that day’s waning light.
The journey had been difficult.  My leg still ached and I was weary.  But, I could see God’s beauty on display.
Once again, I stand awkwardly on a precipice–anxious and alert.  But now I am hemmed in on one side by the shifting promises of an unreliable world while on the other I can feel the strong presence of the Rock–the unshakeable and steadfast One who continues to whisper, “You are secure in me.  Do not doubt, Child, because I will deliver you.”
Are you standing at the edge of a cliff, dear Friend?  Has your healing journey scratched at the hurts lying just beneath the surface and caused unwelcome discomfort?
Maybe you feel as if there is no way off the face of the mountain and you’ve been waiting for too long already.  You want to be restored now.
This is a time for your decision.  Do you remain where you are…shifting and uncertain?  Turn back toward the familiar, worn paths of unforgiveness, bitterness, or ill managed pain?
Or, do you follow Him–the one who has wept tears and blood for you–up to the mountaintop where you can see for yourself his plan for your life fully revealed, restored, and renewed?
The journey may be difficult.  You may ache and grow weary.  But, you will be His Beauty on display–as he had intended when he thought of you for the first time.
Scripture for Reflection–Psalm 18:2