God said to Moses, “I am who I am.

Exodus 3:14


It took her by surprise–this identity crisis.
One day she knew who she was and the next lacked any sense of a cohesive selfOne day she walked purposefully…with direction; next there was only the feeling of wandering in the dark.  One day her faith blossomed–sharing its fragrance willingly with others; then it suddenly withered to a dingy, lifeless brown hovering somewhere between life and death.
The woman wondered how she would keep moving on when so much of today was caught up in the shattered dreams of the past.  She laughed at the absurdity of looking in the mirror and being unsure of the reflection…like an insecure teenager who hadn’t yet discovered what substance lay beneath the surface.  She wept at the tragedy of losing who she might have become to the early years of abuse.  She even shook her fist at the God who had grieved at the sight of a child’s soul being stripped of hope while her little form was stripped of modesty.  And…the woman missed God the most.
The identity crisis…a personal place of loneliness, trepidation, discovery.  The woman wanders in her spiritual desert–climbing a mountain of doubt and confusion.  She yearns to meet God there and thinks of Moses’.  He had been called by God to lead…to trust…to obey.  Moses’ response?  Who am I?  Moses was experiencing an identity crisis.
“I am who I Am.”  The Lord didn’t address Moses’ insecurities with platitudes or pep talks.  The focus wasn’t on Moses, but on God and what He would accomplish through his servant.  And the woman realizes that those are the words of truth to which she must cling.  “I am who I Am.”  And she keeps climbing.