“…be content with what you have because God has said, “I will never leave you or forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:5 (NIV)
“I hate you!” my five-year-old son yelled—the words bursting from his small, reddened face. Seth’s tiny fists were clenched in rage; his eyes lit with emotion. “If you give me what I want,” he said, “I’ll stop fussing.” Unfortunately for the rest of the customers in the store (who were either smiling knowingly or shaking their heads with disapproval), I refused to comply. Sadly, Seth never tasted the coveted Tootsie Pop places so temptingly within reach at the checkout counter.
Much like a preschooler, I often make unreasonable demands of God. “Lord,” I pray, “if you will only do what I ask, then I’ll be satisfied. I’ll stop fussing—when I have that job, enough money in the bank, or children who don’t throw tantrums in public.”
Just as I did with my own son, the heavenly Father sometimes denies His children that which seems good and whispers instead, “Child, I know what is best for you. Find your satisfaction in me.”
Lord, thank you for giving me what I need and for withholding what I don’t. Teach me to find my satisfaction in you.
                                                                    I feel like throwing my own fit when…?