His influence was undeniable. Despite his blue-collar upbringing, he stunned religious scholars with his wisdom, calmed tumultuous crowds bent on murder, and rose from obscurity to fame within three years. Everyone from the impoverished to those steeped in power rushed toward the front of the crowd to catch a glimpse of the man called Jesus Christ.
Three Reasons Jesus Would Have Been Cancelled Share on X
Some called Him a heretic and others a hero. Many were convinced he was the promised king.
But Christ’s kingdom expanded beyond the borders of one country or one group of people. His vision extended centuries before and after his birth to include you and me.
The cancel culture of Christ’s day took the threat of one man and a ragamuffin band of disciples seriously. Rooting out the one who proclaimed, “Love your enemy”, they pierced Him through. But the enemy could not be thwarted.
Three Reasons Jesus Would Have Been Cancelled Share on X
The graveclothes were discarded, and a tomb stood empty. No amount of Roman propaganda could blanket the truth.
While we might like to think modern society embraces everyone or we’re more inclusive, I believe Jesus would be cancelled more quickly than any other individual living today.
Because Jesus was radical then and He is radical now.
What Makes Jesus Radical?
Jesus is Truth and that truth is expressed through the word of God. John 1:1-3 (NKJ) reads, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.
Three Reasons Jesus Would Have Been Cancelled Share on X
Not only does Christ embody Truth, but He embodies the Word. And the word of God shatters many of our progressive, forward-thinking ideologies.
Some of these might include the following:

  • “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6 NKJ)

Christ’s radical claim? He is the only route to heaven. The religious of His day were offended. None of their works, acts, or deeds moved them closer to holiness or heaven.
What the pious found even more troublesome was that the same man who accused them of being “white-washed tombs” ministered to the hurting and outcasts. The prostitutes and prodigals. The sick and the sinful.
These words from scripture still illicit angry protests and declarations that Christians hold to a narrow-minded framework. But if Christ is God, then wouldn’t it be unloving for Him to proclaim anything another than what is Truth?
Religion cannot save us. Enlightenment cannot lead us. Equality cannot equalize. Only Jesus sets us free from the power of sin and death. He proved it the day the graveclothes remained in the tomb.

  • Another of Christ’s radical statements, love others more than yourself. These words challenge many of us who cling to our faith today. As the shadow of evil moves from behind the veil, some of us may soon be called to live out these words in ways we’d never imagined.

Luke 6:27 (NKJ) reads, “But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.”
The Lord’s disciples and countless others followed suit. They were martyred on the streets and cities across Rome. They lit amphitheaters and even children were fed to the lions. Yet, the Church thrived.
People must see the hope of Christ in our lives. Souls hang in the balance.

  • Perhaps one of the most compelling declarations Jesus made is represented by John 10:28 (NIV), “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.

Not only is Jesus claiming to be God’s son, but He is claiming to be God. This is the mystery of the Trinity.
The Bible sets Christ apart from the leaders of other faiths. For example, neither Buddha nor Muhammad made similar professions.  If Jesus were to assert His divinity today, He would either be labelled mentally ill or a perpetrator of disinformation.
Three Reasons Jesus Would Have Been Cancelled Share on X
Yes, Jesus was and is radical. We, too, are meant to live lives of radical faith. Lives of love. Lives set apart. Lives sharing hope.
Peace and grace,
P. S. I often linkup with these other wonderful bloggers.

Mondays   InstaEncouragementsMandy and MicheleKingdom Bloggers,

Tuesdays RaRa Linkup /GraceFull Tuesday / Tell His Story/Anchored Abode,

Wednesdays   Worth Beyond RubiesRecharge Wednesday Welcome Wednesday /LetsHave Coffee/

Thursdays Heart Encouragement  /  Tune In Thursday  /Salt and Light /  Five Minute Friday

Friday Faith on Fire, Blogger Voices Network, Grace and Truth Linkup