A woman grips a cardboard sign with the words “Need rent money or food. God bless.” scrawled across its surface. Her eyes follow one vehicle and then another as the drivers rush past, too busy or embarrassed to acknowledge the lady with the woebegone face.

Young men traveling with dogs, couples, and women with children often frequent this small plot of land. Each one has a story and, today, I feel compelled to stop. To listen. To pause and pray with the suffering.

Surprise lights her eyes as I move between the lot and the patch of dirt where she squats. Together, we sit side by side and the woman tells me of soul-deep pain. She speaks of shattered relationships and a hurting heart. Of addiction and a broken family. And I know we aren’t much different from one another.

She speaks of shattered relationships and a hurting heart. Of addiction and a broken family. And I know we aren’t much different from one another. #prayerandsuffering Share on X

“Would you like me to pray for you?” I ask.

Wetness spills down her face, tracing the creases where the hardness of life has worn away the freshness of youth. Suffering takes a toll. But being noticed and made to feel as though one matters can sometimes be enough to move us from the edge of desperation.

But being noticed and made to feel as though one matters can sometimes be enough to move us from the edge of desperate. #noticeothers Share on X

You may be the desperate woman on the corner today–calling out in your struggle and pain, begging for mercy. Oh, friend, He longs to draw near. If you are in that place, I am deeply sorry. I wish I could meet with you. Hear your heart’s cry and be a friend to you.

There is Someone who is…

A Prayer if You are Suffering From Uncertainty

A Prayer When You Are Hurting

Father God,

I know you see my pain, but I confess there are times I wonder if you’ve forgotten me. Remind me of your love, Jesus, and “give me relief from my distress; have mercy on me and hear my prayer.” (Psalm 4:1 NIV) Help me to “be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, [and] faithful in prayer (Romans 12:12 NIV). Teach me to praise you for the gifts and blessings that I enjoy each day and for giving me the Holy Spirt who intercedes on my behalf. (Romans 8:26)



A Prayer for the Loved One Who is Suffering

Perhaps you are moved by the anguish of another. Maybe there is a dear one in your life who is grappling with health issues or mental illness. We may not see it in the moment, but intercession holds power. Whether you whisper or weep as you recite these words, the Lord bends low to respond.

A Prayer for a Loved One Who is Hurting

Father God,

You tell me to “pour out my heart like water” (Lamentations 2:9) for those that I love. You promise us that when we walk through the valley, “your rod and your staff” (Psalm 23:4 NKJV) will be our comfort. Please comfort _________ today with your tender love. Give her/him your “peace which transcends all understanding” (Philippians 4:7) and minister to her/him through the care and encouragement of others. Bring healing, Lord, to __________ and “uphold her/him with your righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10 NIV).  Show me how to love ________ well and be your hands and feet.

In the holy name of Jesus,



A Prayer for the Underground Church

Or you may be grieved by the current situation in Afghanistan–wondering at the injustice done to children and families, missionaries, Christians, and members of the American military abandoned without a way of escape. Would you join me in prayer and share this post with others who will also bow their heads on behalf of these people who are in distress?

A Prayer for the People in Afghanistan

Lord God,

You see the ways of the unjust and hear the cries of the innocent. “Because the poor are plundered, because the needy groan” Psalm 12:5 (ESV), I ask you to provide protection and a way of escape for the those trapped in Afghanistan and for the believer who are part of the underground church. I pray for the little girls who are being torn from their homes and sold into marriages, for the helpless men and women, and the hurting people. Jesus, “protect them from the evil one” (John 17:15 NIV)  and cover [them] with [your] feathers. (Psalm 91:4) Be exalted and let light your light shine in the dark places that many will know your love and be saved.

In the powerful name of Jesus Christ,



You see the ways of the unjust and hear the cries of the innocent. I ask you to provide protection and a way of escape for those trapped in Afghanistan #prayforAfghanistan Share on X

At some point, we are the woman on the corner gripping a tattered sign that reads, “Need…help. Need…hope. Need…fill in the blank.” Jesus always takes notice. As people who follow Him, may we notice too.

Peace and grace,


I often link-up with the following wonderful bloggers.

Mondays   Mandy and Michele/ Inspire Me Monday/Anita Ojeda

Tuesdays InstaEncouragements/Anchored Abode

Wednesdays  Recharge Wednesday / Tell His Story/Sitting Among Friends Linkup/Let’s Have Coffee

Thursdays Heart Encouragement  /  Tune In Thursday  /Salt and Light

Friday Blogger Voices Network /Grace and Truth Linkup/ Five Minute Friday