Job Expressed Gratitude in His Pain
Twenty-four hours can alter life. Few of us can testify to that more than Job. Scripture reveals that “One day…a messenger came to Job” (Job 1:13-14 NKJV) and the horrific series of events unleashed in his life almost defies comprehension.
Satan’s target and recipient of wrath, Job lost his:
- possessions
- preeminence
- progeny
Bereft of wealth, reputation, and—worse—his beloved children,
“Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said:
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
and naked I will depart.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;
may the name of the Lord be praised.”
In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.” (Job 1:21-22 NKJV)
Does Job’s response amaze you as much as it does me?
When I was in high school, my family lost our house to a fire. Praising God was not my first response. Years later as my daughter lay on the changing table, vacant of breath—I failed to praise God. Only when He filled her lungs did words of thanks roll off my tongue.
But Job gives full expression to his grief while praising the Lord he loves. What a powerful example to those who would come after him and to the Enemy threatening all but Job’s life.
Job gives full expression to his grief while praising the Lord he loves. #gratitude #thanksgiving2022 Share on XMary Expressed Gratitude Despite Her Low Position
Rumors of an unplanned pregnancy and whispers of infidelity circulate through small towns like a pandemic around the world—even in the absence of cell phones, email, and social media.
We know her story, but much of it remains untold. The loss of reputation and relationship. The shunning and ridicule she endured.
But Mary denied herself the satisfaction of complaint—even in her youth. Instead, she rushed to her cousin’s home nearly one hundred miles away to share the happy news.
While the Lord might have chosen a royal, influential woman to bear His son, He decided on a woman of faith. Mary’s praise reflects her joy at the realization, “For He has looked upon the low station and humiliation of His handmaiden. For behold, from now on all generations [of all ages] will call me blessed and declare me happy and to be envied! (Luke 1:46 AMPC)
In the years to come, Mary, the peasant girl turned mother to the Prince of Peace endured:
- widowhood
- life as a refugee
- and the anguish of witnessing her son’s cruel death.
While many of Mary’s life circumstances appear to have been less than blessings, her reward awaited in heaven—God, her Savior. (Luke 1:47)
Jesus expressed gratitude before the Passion
He passed the cup, brow furrowed and gaze penetrating. The room stilled. Each man grappled for understanding as Jesus’ eyes filled with tears.
Truly I tell you, I will not drink again from the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God. When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. (Mark 14: 25-26 NIV)
The verse above stuns me. With his death only hours away, Jesus raised his voice to heaven—glorifying the Father. Fully God and fully man, Christ had prophesied of the torment that awaited as he broke bread with the disciples. Directed the chalice around the room. Knelt before those he loved and dipped dusty feet in water—tears mingling with words of encouragement.
With his death only hours away, Jesus raised his voice to heaven—glorifying the Father. #gratitude #thanksgiving2022 Share on XThen, preparing His heart to return home, Christ rendered the last hymn of the Hallel. As the fourth cup of the supper was passed, those who gathered joined in song as the One born to sacrifice His life led the traditional chorus of Psalm 118.
Jesus, our Propitiation, rendered gratitude to the Lord although the song spoke of:
- suffering
- severity
- shame
Why? Because the prophetic Psalm also reminded Him of the truth
- Men would not triumph.
- He would “not die but live” (verse 17).
- Jesus, the “stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone” (verse 22).
and strengthened Him for the spiritual battle in the hours ahead. The sword of the Spirit equipped Christ for the cross.
Three Lessons Learned About Gratitude
Gratitude is a posture of spiritual survival. When the Enemy seeks to devour, he attacks that which we love–challenging our faith and giving rise to doubts. Our thoughts turn inward rather than upward and we dwell in the pain. Inhabit the hurt. But when we glorify God while we grieve, the prowling lion loosens his grip and gives up the fight. Like Job, we can declare God’s goodness knowing “these are light and momentary troubles”. (2 Cor. 4:17)
Gratitude is a declaration of spiritual hope. The world may not recognize the promise we carry within–the gift of the Holy Spirit. But our lives bear the beautiful mark of Jesus Christ. No matter the struggle or storm, we can proclaim the name of Christ with certainty. We know where our help comes from. (Psalm 121)
No matter the struggle or storm, we can proclaim the name of Christ with certainty. We know where our help comes from. (Psalm 121) #gratitude #thanksgiving2022 Share on XGratitude is a position of spiritual power. If Jesus discovered strength through God’s word, how much more should we desire to consume scripture? Meditate on the preserved commands and decrees of our Creator. Repeat the instructions aloud in prayer and song. In times of adulation and sorrow. Trouble and contentment. Regardless of circumstance, gratitude is a posture of surrender that invites His kingdom to do its work through us. (Matthew 6:10)
In what ways does gratitude strengthen you? What lessons have you learned from these or other Bible stories about gratitude?
Hop over to How to Cultivate Gratitude if would like to learn nine simple ways to practice gratitude.
Peace and grace,
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Thank you for sharing these powerful bible stories on Job, Mary and Jesus lives of gratitude, Tammy. Their lives of devotion to God, surrender at all personal cost, and submission to His will are powerful testimonies of encouragement to us in our faith walk.
Hi Lisa,
Their testimonies inspire me to live a life of faith and to see beyond the moment.
Have a wonderful day!
Tammy thank you for putting together these Bible stories reflecting gratitude. Oh, I love that song.
Visiting today from G&T
Hi Paula,
I’d never heard it until I did a search for songs about gratitude. It’s on my playlist now!
Tammy, I’m listening to the song right now, even as we speak. Thank you for sharing this gem …
Good morning, Linda. Isn’t it beautiful? I was so happy to have discovered such a lovely song about gratitude! Have a wonderful day!
Tammy, I so appreciate these stories of choosing gratitude in the midst of pain. I tend not to be quick to choose gratitude. It seems like when we are completely submitted to the Lord, trusting Him in the relief and the disappointments and the uncertainties, our hearts will choose gratitude each moment. That’s something I want to become better at practicing. Thank you for this beautiful post, friend.