The Middle: A Poem

No longer young,

I peer at the beginning

with the lens of Perspective.

Pain and suffering,

Joy and laughter

All mingle together.


I dream big of future days spent making a difference in the lives of hurting hearts. What are your dreams? #hopesanddreams #fridaythoughts Share on X

I dream big

Of future days

Spent making a difference

In the lives of hurting hearts.

Loving little ones when once-small-children

Arrive on my doorstep.


They call this the Messy Middle–

When days are full

and we forget to pause.

But I don’t want to miss

the moments that make

living worthwhile.

A family meal squeezed

in late after practice.

Worship shared after the busy of one week

and the beginning of the next.

A hug as they rush off to school just

before they leave the nest empty.

This is the Middle.


Peace and grace,



Today’s poem is based on the prompt Middle for Five Minute Friday.


Mondays   InstaEncouragementsMandy and MicheleKingdom Bloggers,

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