Stuck in Unbelief

Stuck in Unbelief

The dark moments in the past have a strange way of remaining alive and, while I’d thought moving ahead meant leaving them behind—discarded in the emotional trash heap–I’ve discovered the unexpected. God can use all of it. In His hands, anything—and...
Stuck in Unbelief

A Big Enough God

  The small, golden statue sat immobile on my roommate’s shelf—its eyes boring into me while I studied, laughed with friends, and slept. When Victoria was away for more than a day or two, I spun her statue toward the wall—gratefully tossing a shirt or towel over...
My Yes-But Belief

My Yes-But Belief

What matters more than material blessings are the things He is teaching us in our spirit. Charles Stanley It all began much earlier for him, but most of the nascent signs were quiet and crept into life bit by bit–a silent predator slowly introducing the victim...

Trust God–He’ll Catch You

Strains of praise music filled the sanctuary while God’s people raised their voices in adulation and reverence.  Yet I stood–motionless, unmoved, and angry.  Lord, help my unbelief.  I can’t see your plan in his pain…his struggle…his...