When You Feel You’ve Let God Down

When You Feel You’ve Let God Down

When You Feel You’ve Let God Down I watched the sunset outside my window—a dwindling blaze of red and gold thrusting Pikes Peak into the foreground. It seemed a metaphor for my day. A mountain of imperfect decisions and choices displayed against God’s goodness...
Mind Over Negative Chatter Challenge-If You’re (Not) Happy and You Know It Series-(Day 3)

Stuck in Unbelief

The dark moments in the past have a strange way of remaining alive and, while I’d thought moving ahead meant leaving them behind—discarded in the emotional trash heap–I’ve discovered the unexpected. God can use all of it. In His hands, anything—and...

Extra Grace Required

“EGR,” she quipped with a smile and an exaggerated sigh.  My quizzical look prompted a response. “You know…extra grace required.” Unexpectedly, our prayer for others had shifted from intercession to a Christianized version of gossip...