The Day Eternity Entered the World

The Day Eternity Entered the World

I want to be your encourager today. The one who reminds you that Christmas is the day Eternity entered the world. That moment when the Holy One stepped away from God’s glory to lay shivering in the midst of the squalor and stench of man’s inhospitable...

The Imperfect Christmas

The imperfect Christmas unfolded like a crumpled piece of gift wrap–its bright colors diminished by the absence of a firstborn son and a father more dedicated to the child than the comforts of home.  And I think of the journey he made yesterday in a quest to...
Advent:  Week 1–The Hope Candle

Advent: Week 1–The Hope Candle

I’ve been away for a few weeks–crying out to God.  Praying…weeping…grieving…and daring to hope despite my fear and unbelief. This heavy burden–unfairly thrust upon precious innocents–seems out-of-place with what I would...
The Gift

The Gift

It’s the anticipation I love.  The waiting…planning….preparing. The Little Ones are wrapping handmade gifts with wrinkled tissue paper and a stapler.  Mom, I need some help.  The Big Guys trample up the stairs.  Where are the cookies?  You’ve...
Yes, Virginia…There Is a Jesus Christ

Yes, Virginia…There Is a Jesus Christ

From the moment the Thanksgiving turkey graces the table until my children unwrap the last present beneath the tree, my radio is set to local stations boasting of jingle bells and roasting chestnuts.  Yesterday, the words “you’d better watch out,...