The Difference

The Difference

Covergirl and Este Lauder promise we’ll see the difference.  The Biggest Loser and American Idol assure that once we’ve “made it”, our lives will have meaning…purpose…value.  Cultural icons and pop psychologists promote...
The Difference

On Talking to the Dog

Many years ago a Far Side cartoon featured a small dog and it’s owner.  The words in the bubble read, “Blah, blah, blah, Minnie.”  Like Minnie’s owner, I’m certain my words–though spoken–are often unheard.  I imagine it...
The Difference

The Honest Truth

I burst into laughter when I saw this note online.  I knew it was one my own children might have written.  Lie #1–“Who put this hole in the wall?”  Not me.  “Right…”  Lie #2–“Why did you miss 7th period?”  I ate...
The Difference

The Promise of Freedom

Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody,  I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person  who has nothing to eat. Mother  Teresa “Did you believe the lie?”  I asked.  Surveying the room, I knew many of...
The Difference

Prostitutes, Prodigals, and Perpetrators

A social outcast, Mary Magdalene was the bad girl of Galilee.  Women warned their sons about that woman and respectable men turned away in embarrassment at her knowing smile.  Mary was hopeless.  Rejected.  Irredeemable. A beloved son rejected his father and his God...