The moment I heard the words filter through the radio of our crumb-sprinkled family car, my heart responded with a question?  Am I that woman?  The message resounded and I’ve been considering it for more than a week–long enough for me to admit that this is one of my day-by-day, moment-by-moment struggles.  It may be yours, too.
What is this self-imposed, self-focused, self-degrading habit we battle each day?  Perfectionism.
It afflicts co-workers, Bible study leaders, young mothers, old mothers, neighbors, and friends.  Always striving…she is the woman never quite satisfied with self.  And deep in her empty places she has somehow mistaken the desire for acceptance…approval…love for a twisted version of if-then. 
If I can just lose five more pounds then he’ll respect me.
If I earn this degree then I’ll finally believe I’m smart.
If I keep my house clean enough then I’ll know I’m a good housewife.
If  my children are at the top of their class then I can trust myself as a mother.
If I join one more church committee then God will know I’m a committed Christian.
But all of the if’s just end up as not enough.  There is always another goal…something else to prove…a feeling of not quite meeting the mark.
Why?  Because we’ve forgotten the mercy of His love, acceptance, and approval.   With Christ, there is an abundance of all our heart seeks.   The one who is Perfection has released us from the need to prove our goodness or worth.
We can stop striving, dear Friend.  Just belonging to Perfection is enough.
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.  (Col. 3:23-24)