She smiled brightly and her pale face seemed to evidence the truth of the story that splashed across international headlines.–Girl Survives on Ramen  for 13 Years.  
Eighteen-year-old Georgi Readman has been surviving on a diet of the salt-infused-I-hated-to-eat-them-in-college noodles for most of her young life.  At only 5’1″ and a mere  98 pounds, Georgi’s petite frame houses the emaciated workings  of a woman six decades her age.  

Unwilling–or unable–to even eat a fruit or vegetable, Georgi is unknowingly living by dying.  Repelled by what is healthy or desirable, she shuns the company of friends for fear of having her folly noticed.
But Georgi has hope.  She has youth…doctors…awareness.  Sometimes, we suffer in the same way.  We don’t notice–or refuse to recognize– a similar condition in our own lives.  A deep hunger…a need unfulfilled…a spiritual gauntness.
Jesus once said, “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)  Friends, are we starving or satiated?  Have we consumed the word of God?  Are we so full of His love, truth, and compassion that others desire sharing from the same plate of  His bountiful goodness?
If the Associated Press wrote your story or mine would the title read, Woman Survives on the Word of God for Thirteen Years?  Wouldn’t that be an interesting headline?