Recovered: A Poem of Praise

Recovered from sleep
the green of the season
flows from every tree
unfurling, uncurling
tendrils of stem and petal.
Recovered from slumber
the morning dove greets
the sun with a love song
and the laughter of children
dances on air
like dandelion down.
Recovered from dormancy
newness awakens–
its beauty reminding me
that you are the God
of creation.
I praise you for the
unfolding of spring
and thank you
that “the skies proclaim
the work of your hands.”

Recovered from dormancy newness awakens-- its beauty reminding me that you are the God of creation. Share on X

Peace and grace,


This praise poem, written in 5 minutes, was based on the prompt, Recover, from Five Minute Friday which is in the links below. I often linkup with the following wonderful bloggers.

Mondays   InstaEncouragementsMandy and MicheleKingdom Bloggers

Tuesdays GraceFull Tuesday/Anchored Abode

Wednesdays  Recharge Wednesday / Tell His Story

Thursdays Heart Encouragement  /  Tune In Thursday  /Salt and Light

Friday Faith on Fire, Blogger Voices Network Grace and Truth Linkup/ Five Minute Friday