The Feast of Matchless Blessing

I can see them in my mind.  Men–worn and thin–browned by their daily toil beneath the hot sun.  Women–their hands raw from gleaning the last piece of grain from a heavy stalk.  Children–kneeling in thanksgiving before a god who doesn’t...

The Farmer’s Garden

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for…Hebrews 11:1   The beautiful garden unfurled its colors near the old, gray corral–a ranching remnant from the early 1900’s.  Nestled between the meandering creek and dusty country road, rows upon rows...

Rain in a Thirsty Land

Shoulders slumped, the Farmer gazed at the cracked earth.  Reaching down he plucked a stalk from the edge of crop.  Nothing.  The hulls were empty…worthless bits of wheat lay scattered across the ground.  The potential for harvest was dim and the Farmer shudder....