Nothing changes.  The words slip past his lips as easily as the joy leaves my heart. Is it me?   The circumstances?  What could be different?  I’m not certain.  Perhaps we are the ones meant to change….to grow….in faith, steadfastness, genuine love for those around us.
Nothing changes. The words ring true. The human experience is one of dual tracks–joy and struggle, laughter and tears, life and death.  These are consistent.
Nothing changes?  But situations change.  They ebb and flow like the rushing ocean. One moment a piece of sand rotates beneath the rush of the water and is replaced by another.  It begins to experience something different…new…frightening…exciting.
Nothing changes?  People change.  Time and experience alter opinions, expectations, reactions.  People develop character or regress into selfishness.  People embrace happiness and weep through their sorrows.  Life’s events mold and shape who we are just as the sweeping winds erode and soften sandstone jutting up against the prairie’s horizon.
Nothing changes?  There is one thing–One God-Man who never changes.  His power is limitless, His love boundless, His promises eternal.  Circumstances?  They may change for better–or worse.  Life experiences?  Certain to move from heartfelt celebration to heartache–and back again.  But Jesus Christ?  Friend, He never changes.
Scripture for Reflection
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.  (Hebrews 13:8)