This sort of weariness felt heavy–like an illness had overstayed and left its host weak and feeble. I’d pressed on, determined to mask tiredness with a smile. The pandemic and fatigue met at one moment in time and I was forced to decide.
Despite my love for the children, each smooth stroke of the marker across the whiteboard caused my upper back to spasm and a fog rolled across my mind like the haze of winter over the North Carolina ocean. The exhaustion of fibromyalgia had taken its toll and, though I was physically tired, I was also soul-weary.
How long it had been? How many years had I felt this way? I couldn’t remember, but it had grown more difficult to persevere. To press on. To do what I must.
I’d grown weary in the waiting. Some seasons are like that.
A few years ago, I planted a few sliver-thin seeds in a small flowerbed in the backyard. But nothing bloomed either the first or second year. This spring, I was delighted when a green leaf unfurled its newness from beneath the chilly soil and revealed its face to the sun.
I’d grown wearing in the waiting, but God unveiled His plan at the appointed time. Like that plant, patience grows in the soil of my heart when an answer is delayed.#whenyouareweary#growingpatience Share on XFocus on the Father
Matthew 11:28-30 exhorts, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
When my soul is weary and in need of refreshing, where can I seek renewal? How can I be revived when the day-to-day of giving and living, mothering or working, ministering or serving has taken all of me? Jesus invites, “Come to me.”
Any of my burdens, or yours, can be released with open hands into His care.
Are you striving to be more? To do more? To prove yourself? Could you be overwhelmed by the daily demands of providing for others? The on-going pull from family, outside obligations, and all of your “I-should’s”? Or, are you grappling with issues like chronic illness? Depression? Anxiety? Infidelity? Have the burdens of every day been replaced by the weight of the impossible?
Christ is calling, “Come to me.”
When we grow weary in the waiting for answers and healing, He is waiting to relieve us of our burdens. Settling into His presence is the first step toward seeking renewal.#releaseyourburdens #settleinHispresence Share on XWhen we grow weary in the waiting for answers and healing, He is waiting to relieve us of our burdens. Settling into His presence is the first step toward seeking renewal.
Accept His Lead
For years, I’ve been praying God will answer a specific prayer. Sometimes, there are glimmers of promise and then–nothing. Hope grows thin and I am weary in the waiting. Fourteen years feels like a long time to pray, but I believe He “will restore the years the locusts have eaten”.
In this life, we are all yoked to something or someone. Some of us may be serving the gods of worry, fear, money, or relationship. Others might be struggling with a yoke of sexual sin, addiction, or gossip. The list is endless.
As believers, Christ invites us to exchange the yoke of oppression for His easy yoke of rest. Matthew 11:29 reads, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your… Share on XAs believers, Christ invites us to exchange the yoke of oppression for His easy yoke of rest. Matthew 11:29 reads, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
I’ve been harnessed to anxiety and depression before and, they still battle for my attention when I focus on my care over this loved one rather than releasing it to Him. But when we slip on the yoke of faith and follow His lead, we’ll discover peace and rest for each new day.
Soul-weariness will be relieved, and hope will be revived as we put off the heaviness of the world and take on the beauty and blessings of being in His presence.
Scripture for reflection
Matthew 11:28-30 (NKJV) “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
I also love the Message translation of these verses.
Matthew 11:28-30 (MSG) Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Suggested activity
Create a list of those of those areas of your life that feel burdensome to you today. Then pray the following Prayer of Release.
Jesus, I know you are calling me. I come to you and release each of these burdens into your care today. I exchange the heavy yoke of worldly cares for your yoke and trust you to guide me this morning. Help me to rest in your care. Amen
After you’ve prayed, tear up the list as a reminder that you’ve given those cares to God for the day.
Peace and grace,
I often linkup with the following wonderful bloggers.
Mondays InstaEncouragements/ Mandy and Michele, Kingdom Bloggers
Tuesdays GraceFull Tuesday/Anchored Abode
Wednesdays Recharge Wednesday / Tell His Story
Thursdays Heart Encouragement / Tune In Thursday /Salt and Light
Friday Faith on Fire, Blogger Voices Network , Grace and Truth Linkup/ Five Minute Friday
Tammy, what an encouraging, and yet pratical post! I, too, have prayers that seem to go unanswered for many years now, but I know the Lord is faithful who promised. I love your suggestion of writing those things down, and then praying that lovely prayer of release. Thank you for your encouragement today!
Hi Donna.
It’s comforting to know that each prayer is heard and will be answered in its time. I’m lifting you up in prayer today, friend.
Peace and grace,
I have come to a time of soul weariness, and the Lord has guided me to your post. Thank you for the reminder to give Jesus my worries and take on his yoke of rest. May you find rest as well.
Hi Patti,
I love that He guides us to places that remind of His refreshing. Blessings to you today!