Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! 5 Let your gentle spirit be known to all men.  The Lord is [a]near.  Philippians 4:4-5

Some of us stay-at-home while others wear a business suit from nine to five.  Some of us live in the Bronx–others in Beverly Hills.  Some of us wear a ring on our left hand; others manage parenting on our own.  But don’t we all want the same thing for our children–the ever-elusive happiness?
But, happiness is hollow when it’s based on the promises of the world.  Wealth?  Love?  Career?  None of these are guaranteed to last.  They only provide a temporary–even false–sort of happiness.  Raising our children to gather temporary treasures, find the “right” person, and climb the corporate ladder may make us look good but I believe God gives mother’s a greater purpose in parenting.
What is it?  To share Christ trusting that our little ones might one day know Him–the One in whom and through whom true happiness is found.
As a mother, how do I teach my children about everlasting joy?  When they’re bullied, break up with a first love, or struggle with a learning disability is it possible to share a heaven-focused view of happiness?  What a challenge!  I wish I had the answer.   I’m just trying to rely on God day by day, and moment by moment as I pour my heart into these children–maybe that’s where it all begins.

 I would love to know what your tips and ideas are for teaching your kids about this concepts.  Feel free to share with us!