I’m not inviting my girlfriend over because you embarrass me. The words, emphatically offered by my teenage son, stung. How could I possibly cause embarrassment? After all, I never produce questionable baby pictures or use childhood nicknames when meeting Ben’s friends. Instead, I make popcorn, rent the requested DVD’s, and remain outside of the immediate area.
Mother guilt engulfed me. Had I done anything in particular to cause embarrassment? He must think I’m too serious. Maybe I should buy a few joke books. Or, it could be my music. I’ll need to remember not to play smooth jazz when people visit. Then, the truth struck me. Ben isn’t embarrassed by one specific thing—he’s embarrassed by who I am.

While considering my son’s assertion I was reminded of Romans 8:35 which reassures Christians that “nothing can separate us from the love of Christ”. Despite my areas of weakness, poor choices, and sinful nature God offers love and acceptance. And, unlike my earthly family, the heavenly Father is never embarrassed by who I am. Instead, he sees me through the lens of Christ’s sacrifice—as his beloved child.
Do you ever struggle with acceptance? Are you afraid you might do something to put an important relationship at risk? Friend, take comfort. Your Lord knows you intimately and nothing you do will ever jeopardize your position in his family.
Now…about those baby pictures.