The Broken Way: A Poem

The Broken Way: A Poem

  Broken bodies bend before Him asking for sight to see. “Jesus, won’t you heal my body?” “Your sin is forgiven. Come, follow Me.”   Broken bread between His hands soon pierced by nails- an offering. “Take and eat, consume this flesh. I give Myself...


Permission. Since we are small, we’re taught to ask permission to being noticed to be heard. But because of Christ’s sacrifice we no longer need permission. [bbctt tweet=”We have full access to your beauty. Your glory. Your goodness.”...
Releasing Our Burdens When We Are Facing a Mountain

Releasing Our Burdens When We Are Facing a Mountain

The scree field lay ahead, an endless sward of grey and brown sandstone. Pausing to wipe the heat of summer from my brow, I peered over my shoulder. The hikers following behind were smiling and laughing–unfazed by the weight of the pack on their backs. But I was...
A Heart After Christ Leads to Hope

A Heart After Christ Leads to Hope

  My arms, raised in praise early on Easter morning, now hung limp by my sides. Awash in shame, I chided myself for unkind, angry words. You can’t even make it through the most holy of days without making a mess of things.   Bowing my head in prayer, a tear...
Resurrection Day: A Poem

Resurrection Day: A Poem

He inhaled with a rugged gasp air expanding silent lungs. Glory filled the darkened cave as the man awakened- God’s risen Son. He removed linen sheets then stood and praised the Father. With a gentle hand, Messiah folded the cloth once placed on his face then...