Why God is Enough

Why God is Enough

Last week, Lauren Sparks wrote an article entitled, “A Lesson in Giving Thanks From the Passover”, in which she shared a lovely song of thanksgiving from the Jewish tradition. Inspired by the words, I penned my own version–offering praise to the King...
Misinformation and the Lie that God Doesn’t Care

Misinformation and the Lie that God Doesn’t Care

  Misinformation. Five simple syllables loaded with meaning. A glance at the baseword and affixes reveal the meaning, “to inform wrongly”. In a confused culture, news, politics, and basic data are suddenly less clear. Clouded But misinformation by any other...
October Reading Roundup

October Reading Roundup

It’s been beautiful in Colorado and most mornings and evenings my nose is tucked between the pages of a page or I’m scrolling down the screen as I devour the words printed on the NetGalley app. This month, I’ve been stretched, edified,...