I hit the floor running today.  My highschooler missed the bus which meant…
my middleschooler had to walk to school which meant…
he scrapped with the little ones…
who had to eat prepackaged, processed lunch items from the Walgreen’s refrigerated section because…
I hadn’t packed lunches the night before despite…
my plan to stay on top of things.  Not only that, but the dog at the toilet paper because…
she was locked in the bathroom which meant…
I had to sweep and scrub the floor when I got home because…
she had an accident.
It was a hamster-in-the-spinning-wheel sort of day!  Can you relate?
If so then…
stop running around in circles,
take a breath,
and find a moment to spend time with the One who can quiet our souls.
How do you manage days like this?  Do you have any tips for others?