You are more than enough to Him..png
Less than six puts you at risk. At risk for disease and diminished returns at work, home and play. At risk for depression, hypertension and inattention. At risk for a long list of unsavory outcomes and issues.
They are the one in three. Are you? Am I?
Have we joined the I-can’t-sleep-there’s-too-much-to-do party? Paced ourselves against the clock as if it’s an enemy rather than a friend. Enslaved ourselves to perfection, production, or performance.
During my college years I strode from one building to the next bearing an invisible backpack crammed with the weighty effects of self-doubt, unworthiness, and inability. Over and over, I’d shove those burdens deep within the confines of that imperceptible pouch.
Fearing Someone or Anyone would notice, I forced myself to achieve. To prove that I could accomplish. To justify my worth.
Motivated by the overwhelming fear of not being enough, I allowed for recovery only after rigorous, compelling dedication to study.  Sleep and rest were optional and I had the ulcer to prove it.
If the clock is your master, friend, have you considered what might be driving your desire for unattainable faultlessness? Unreachable achievement? Matchless efficiency?
Some may placate their incessant need for control through industry. Others might feel worth notice only through accomplishment–whether it’s a perfectly polished home or an unfading smile that refuses to allow vulnerability with friends or family.

[bbctt tweet="If you are the woman driven by the need to be enought, can I remind you that you are more than enough to Him?"]

If you are the woman driven by the need to be enough, can I remind you that you are more than enough to Him? You were more than enough for the heavenly king to lay aside His crown and exchange it for flesh. You were more than enough for an innocent Sovereign to endure every insult and accusation at a mockery of a trial. You were more than enough for the Lamb to sacrifice all in order that he might claim you as part of the fold. You were more than enough, Daughter, for the Father to rise triumphant–living proof that death has no hold on either Him or you.
When we deny the accusatory whipping boy of perfection or set aside the relentless  burden of responsibility and invite God to take it upon himself, then we’ll step into the rest he has promised.

[bbctt tweet="Will you move into the place of holy peace today, friend? Jesus is calling."]

Will you move into the place of holy peace today, friend?
Jesus is calling.
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:29-30 MSG)