Leaning my full weight across the body of the practical, dark blue Samsonite , I managed to partially close the uncooperative zipper–it’s tiny teeth stretching in protest as I yanked on the metal grip in an attempt to coax it around the corner.  No joy.
Unwilling to give up, I perched awkwardly on top of the suitcase–legs splayed on either side of the bag as I released the second zipper.  You know…the one that expands the depth of the bag?  Nothing.
Hrmphing, I did the only thing I could.  Flinging the top open, I snagged my favorite name-brand-imposter-and-much-cheaper boots along with my purple Conair blow dryer and placed them neatly in my husbands overnight bag.  Perfect!
I do try to pack light, but this time I just had too much junk jammed into the carry-on.  And, if I admit it, sometimes I’m the human equivalent to that old, banged-up suitcase. The junk I’ve collected gets shoved inside until its ill-fitting contents burst from the inside out. Does anyone else relate?
How many of us remember the unkind words spoken by a trusted friend or loved one? Words that wounded so deeply they left a permanent impression on the tender flesh of our heart.
Like me, have you ever held onto mistakes of the past and even allowed those memories to hold you hostage to the traps of shame or self-accusation—unable to fully accept God’s grace and mercy. Could God really forgive me for that?
Over time, our hurts, failures, sins and regrets collect into a jumbled mass of personal junk and there we are—trying to shove them down…close them in—hide them from sight. Until we burst open. Because that burden? It is just. Too. Much.
There is a better way, friends. A way to be free of the junk! And it doesn’t require anything except giving the junk to someone else. That’s right—deposit it all at the feet of Jesus. He accepts anything and doesn’t concern Himself with what it is we’re handing Him. He’ll accept the brand new or a worn, filthy rag tucked at the bottom of the pile.
And when we offer our shame, guilt or pain to Jesus? All of the unwanted junk—each of those burdens–disappears. After all, Christ took them from us.

He took the punishment, and that made us whole.   Through his bruises we get healed.
We’re all like sheep who’ve wandered off and gotten lost.                                                           We’ve all done our own thing, gone our own way.
And God has piled all our sins, everything we’ve done wrong,
on him, on him. (Isaiah 53:5-6 MSG)

It’s time for us to dump the junk and hold onto the truth!  I love traveling light.  How about you?
Recommended Book:  Traveling Light by Max Lucado