Laughing out loud when my husband shared the story, I soon recovered my composure enough
to wonder what my neighbor was thinking now. Maintaining a large backyard garden, he plants
dozens of seeds each year. Having a small variety of melon and pumpkin seeds left, on his way
to the prepared plot for planting, he tripped. When the seeds scattered all over the compost pile,
he stared in disbelief.

“There’s no help for it.” He good-naturedly smiled.

With no possibility of retrieving the seeds, and knowing the compost pile offered the perfect spot
for those types of seeds, he preferred waiting for the outcome. As with all seeds, when sown in
good soil, they produce fruit. Though the scattered seed promised haphazard growing, before
long the true fruit became distinguishable.


Much like the scattered seeds of my neighbor, words scatter across our lives on a daily basis.
Some, we cultivate diligently, while others grow haphazardly; but both bear fruit. In the Parable
of the Sower, (Matthew 13:1-23) Jesus emphasizes not only the Word of God as the seed, but the
necessity of the seed falling on good soil.

Obedient to Christ’s teaching, we attentively cultivate the soil of our hearts, preparing it to
receive the good seed of God’s Word sown carefully in our lives.

Receiving the good seed of God’s Word through personal Bible study, submission to preaching,
and various avenues of teaching, into carefully prepared soil, produces an abundant harvest in
spiritual growth. (Matthew 13:8)

But while the Holy Spirit sows the seed of righteousness into the good soil, the enemy sows
seeds of wickedness in the same good soil.

As in “The Parable of the Tares of the Field” (Matthew 13:24-30), the enemy sows seeds of
wickedness in among the good seed. Wicked seed often grows haphazardly without our
knowledge, having been sown by worldly influences.

Though we maintain vigilance against false teachers (2 Peter 2:1), Jesus also issues a stern
warning for these last days in Matthew 24:24 (ESV),

“For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to                                              lead astray, if possible, even the elect.”

When seeds scatter in our lives, we must employ every effort in discerning the righteous seed of
God from the wicked seed of the enemy.


Interestingly, when bank tellers receive training in distinguishing genuine currency from
counterfeit currency; they spend no time viewing counterfeit samples. Instead, they spend
intensive amounts of time studying genuine currency which enables quick recognition of
counterfeit currency.

In the same way, we must study the Word of God so thoroughly that its truth becomes
embedded in our hearts, souls, and minds.

Though we may carefully cultivate good soil receptive to the Word of God and bury its
truths deeply into our lives; the enemy’s subtlety coats his wicked seed with enough truth, we
may become deceived.

Consider these 7 ways to recognize God when seeds scatter.

1. Confirmation within Scripture. Though tinged with truth, the enemy’s words fail to
align with the revealed truth of Scripture. God’s Word leads to confirmation within the

2. Conviction without Condemnation. The enemy’s words impose guilt and
condemnation. God’s Word brings conviction in love; offering hope, forgiveness, and

3. Clarity, not Confusion. The enemy’s words bring or accelerate confusion and chaos.
God’s Word brings clarity, calm, and comfort.

The enemy’s words bring or accelerate confusion and chaos. God’s Word brings clarity, calm, and comfort. -Donna Bucher Click To Tweet

4. Closer to Christ. The enemy casts doubt upon Christ and His true identity. God’s Word
moves you to deeper intimacy with and knowledge of Christ.

5. Calm Encouragement. The enemy peddles fear and discouragement. God’s Word
speaks peace, hope, and reassurance.

The enemy peddles fear and discouragement. God’s Word speaks peace, hope, and reassurance. -Donna Bucher Click To Tweet

6. Careful Instruction. The enemy seeks to rush, push, and harass you into action. God’s
Word through His Spirit, gently guides with careful instruction free of pressure tactics.

7. Contributes to Growth. The enemy’s word stunts true spiritual growth, instead breeding
poor habits and attitudes. God’s Word continually spurs spiritual growth renewing your
inner man day by day, conforming you to the image of Christ.

When seeds scatter in your life, seeking the Holy Spirit’s counsel provides discernment over
doubt, revealing God’s seeds of righteousness and exposing the enemy’s wicked seed. For Jesus

“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on
his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.”
John 16:13 ESV

God expressly desires His children to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus, as they
are filled with the knowledge of His love; understanding His will in all spiritual wisdom, bearing
the fruit of good works, while walking in a manner fully pleasing to Him. (Colossians 1:9-10)

Learning to recognize God when seeds scatter, provides protection from the deceptions of the
evil one, while strengthening the cultivation of God’s seeds of righteousness and sanctification in
your life.

Which of the seven ways to recognize God when seeds scatter did you find most helpful?

Donna is a women’s ministry leader, teacher, speaker, retired missionary, CASA volunteer, experienced counselor, and hospice and palliative care support personnel. Founder of Serenity in Suffering blog, where she shares articles, resources and counseling designed to help you grow personally and find spiritual intimacy with Christ; ultimately finding purpose in the trials you face.

Her writings have appeared in various online sites as well as digital and print magazines,
and devotional journals.


I hope you’ve been enjoying this wonderful series by my fabulous guest bloggers. Other articles from this series that you may find encouraging are linked below.

How to Discover Hope When Seeds of Promises Are Unfulfilled (Guest Post by Hadassah Treu)

Where My Hope is Found-A Guest Post by J.D. Wininger

Five Beautiful Prayers That Can Remove Satan’s Seeds from our Hearts 

Peace and grace,


I sometimes link up with the following wonderful bloggers:

Mondays   Mandy and Michele/ Inspire Me Monday/Anita Ojeda Tuesdays InstaEncouragements Wednesdays  Recharge Wednesday / Tell His Story//Let’s Have Coffee Thursdays ImpartingGrace/Heart Encouragement  /Salt and Light Friday FriendshipFriday/Blogger Voices Network /Faith on Fire


Tammy Kennington

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  • This week, Karen Girl Friday encouraged my heart with her article, Three Ways Not to Forget God and His Works. Be sure to drop by and mention you’re visiting from Grace and Truth.

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