Permission to Lament

Permission to Lament

Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. -Romans 12:15     One wedding and two suicides. From celebration to lamentation. From dancing in the sunset to mourning alongside two of my dearest childhood friends as they grieve the senseless...
Permission to Lament

A Promise of Freedom

The words slipped from her lips–tender and free of accusation.  “In a group this size, I’m sure there are women who have experienced the pain of abortion. Lord, let those women know you love them.” Sobbing erupted near the front of the...
Permission to Lament

16 Days-Breaking the Chains of Loneliness

From crowded rooms to solitary hide-a-ways, loneliness exists outside the boundaries of place or circumstance. It invades the space of married couples…singles…young and old. And, loneliness? It has the power to drive us toward relationship or introduce lies into the...