Expect to be Changed

Expect to be Changed

The four men encouraged their friend, “We’ve heard of his miracles—healing you will be a simple task.”  Resolute, they hoisted their companion and his bedroll onto their shoulders.  Navigating the crowded streets of Judea without dropping the bundle became...
Expect to be Changed

The Truth About Your Giant and Mine

One of the most painful seasons of my life was ushered in the day my husband boarded the flight to a training school on the east coast. A military wife, I’d expected challenges. I’d managed years of work-ups, cross-country moves, and deployments. But this...
My Yes-But Belief

My Yes-But Belief

What matters more than material blessings are the things He is teaching us in our spirit. Charles Stanley It all began much earlier for him, but most of the nascent signs were quiet and crept into life bit by bit–a silent predator slowly introducing the victim...