From the Bookshelf

From the Bookshelf

These are a few of the books I’ve enjoyed the last few weeks. They’ve all enriched my life in their own way and I highly recommend them. I’d love to know what you’re reading. Please let me know in the comment section. My list grows longer, but...
A Way Across Dry Ground (The Perseverance Series-Day 6)

A Way Across Dry Ground (The Perseverance Series-Day 6)

The last few weeks are unlike any I’ve experienced; I know you’re feeling the same way. We’ve adopted unfamiliar phrases like ‘social-distancing’ and ‘Covid-19’ into our vocabulary as reporters share the grim news of a relentless enemy decimating the lives of families...
From the Bookshelf

From the Bookshelf

I’ve read several books in the last couple of months and have been looking forward to sharing them with you. While the list of books I hope to read continues to grow, I never seem to find quite as much time as I’d like to indulge my favorite habit. Can...